Fokker, Abraham Anthony, 1862-1927
Ikhtisar tata bahasa Latin / A. A. Fokker
Djambatan , 1954
Buku Teks
Giles, J. P.
An intermediate Latin grammar with exercises / J. P. Giles and E. N. Pfitzner
Rigby, 1962
Buku Teks
B.J. Marwoto
Gaudeamus I liber usualis; lingua latina vade mecum
Buku Teks
Gildersleeve, B.L.
Gildersleeve's Latin grammar
Macmillan, 1948
Buku Teks
Hugo's Latin simplified : an easy and rapid self-instructor
David McKay Company, [date of publication not identified]
Buku Teks