Nurul Azkia
Analisis Asuhan Keperawatan Keluarga dengan Hipertensi melalui Penerapan Brisk Walking Exercise dan Terapi Musik = Analysis of Family Nursing Care with Hypertension through the Application of Brisk Walking Exercise and Musical Therapy
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
 UI - Tugas Akhir
Horvath, Agnes, 1957-
Walking into the void : a historical sociology and political anthropology of walking
Routledge, 2018
 Buku Teks
Walking together : the first steps
report of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation 1991-94 to Federal Parliament
Australian Government Publishing Service, 1994
 Buku Teks
Jo, Yong-dal
Gyeongjehak sanchaek = economics walking
Gimmyoungsa, 2010
 Buku Referensi
Walking: connecting sustainable transport with health
edited by Corinne Mulley, Klaus Gebel, Ding Ding
Emerald, 2017