Manik, Mikhael Retno Hamonangan
Justice collaborator sebagai syarat remisi terhadap narapidana tindak pidana khusus berdasarkan peraturan pemerintah nomor 99 tahun 2012 (studi kasus rekomendasi justice collaborator bagi narapidana tindak pidana narkotika di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Rutan Pondok Bambu) = Justice collaborator as a requirement for remission towards special crimes convict based on government's regulation number 99 year 2012 (recommendation as justice collaborator for narcotic crimes' convict in Pondok Bambu correctional facility)
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Abdur Rachman Iswanto
Kebijakan kriminal dalam peraturan pemerintah nomor 99 tahun 2012 terhadap pelaksanaan pemberian hak warga binaan pemasyarakatan = Criminal policy government regulation number 99 in 2012 on the implementation of the grant of rights prisoners
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
 UI - Tesis Membership
Indri Astuti
Paradoks peraturan pemerintah nomor 99 tahun 2012 (benturan antara prinsip pemasyarakatan dan keinginan untuk menciptakan policy bagi extraordinary crimes) = Paradoks government regulation no 99 of 2012 conflicts between correctional principles and desire to create policy for extraordinary crime / Indri Astuti
 UI - Tesis Membership
M. Prabowo Rizky P.
Penerapan peraturan pemerintah no. 65 tahun 2015 tentang diversi terhadap anak sebagai pelaku tindak pidana dalam tahap pemeriksaan pengadilan sebagai perwujudan keadilan restoratif = The implementation of government regulation no. 65 2015 about diversion against children as criminal offenders in court examination stage as the realization of restorative justice
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Nurull Kamila Wati
Implementasi kebijakan peraturan kabareskrim Polri nomor 1 tahun 2012 : kajian tentang pemeriksaan pelaku anak tindak pidana perbuatan cabul di Polresta Depok = The implemetation of the policy of indonesian national police of criminal investigation division law no 1 year 2012 review on the investigation of children offenders on criminal offense of obscenity in Depok police resort
Universitas Indonesia, 2018
 UI - Tesis Membership