Gooch, G.P.
History and historians in the nineteenth century
Beacon Press, 1968
 Buku Teks
Pfitzer, Gregory M.
Samuel Eliot Morison's historical world : in quest of a new parkman
Northeastern University Press, 1991
 Buku Teks
Momigliano, Arnaldo
Studies in historiography / Arnaldo Momigliano.
Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1966
 Buku Teks
Powicke, F.M.
Modern historians and the study of history : essays and papers / F. M. Powicke
Odhams Press, 1955
 Buku Teks
Simpson, W.O.
Working with sources : case studies in twentieth-century history / W.O. Simpson
Stanley Thornes, 1988
 Buku Teks