Love, John F.
Dibalik kesuksesan Mc Donald's= McDonald's behind the Arches/John F.Love; penerjemah, T.Zaini Dahlan
Delapratasa , 1997
Buku Teks
Student personnel work as deeper teaching / edited Ester Lloyd-Jones and Margaret Ruth Smith
Harper & Brothers , 1954
Buku Teks
Horne, Donald
Portrait of An Optimist / Donald Horne
Penguin Books, 1988
Buku Teks
Atomic age opens/prepared by the editors of pocket books Donald Porter Geddes
Pocket Book, 1945
Buku Teks
Tri Admojo
First billionaire President Donald Trump : sukses, bangkrut, bangkit jadi Presiden
Media Psessindo, 2017
Buku Teks