Williams, R. Tee
An introduction to trading in the financial markets : market basics
Elsevier , 2011
Buku Teks
Williams, R. Tee
An introduction to trading in the financial markets : trading, markets, instruments, and processes
Elesevier, 2011
Buku Teks
Williams, R Tee
An introduction to trading in the financial markets : technology : systems, data and networks
Elsevier , 2011
Buku Teks
Scott, William L.
Markets and institutions: acontemporary introduction to financial services
Boston South-Western College Pub. 1999,
Buku Teks
Winadya Ardhana Reswari
Pengaruh literasi keuangan dan faktor sosioekonomi dan demografi terhadap keputusan investasi di pasar modal Indonesia = The impact of financial literacy and socio-economic and demographic factors on investment decision in Indonesia capital market
UI - Skripsi Membership