Ahern, John E.
The exergy method of energy systems analysis
John Wiley & Sons, 1980
Buku Teks
Kulshrestha, S.K.
Buku teks termodinamika terpakai, teknik uap dan panas = a texbook of applied thermodynamics, steam and thermal engineering
UI-Press, 1989
Buku Teks
Kulshrestha, S.K.
Buku teks termodinamika terpakai, teknik uap dan panas = A textbook of appled thermodynamics, steam and thermal engineering
UI-Press, 1989
Buku Teks
Kulshrestha, S.K.
Buku teks termodinamika terpakai, teknik uap dan panas = A textbook of applied thermodynamics, steam and thermal engineering
UI-Press, 1989
Buku Teks
Harun Al Rosyid
Analisis exergi peningkatan unjuk kerja pembangkit listrik tenaga uap dengan memanfaatkan limbah termal dan pemasangan siklus biner bawah = Exergy analysis for performance improvement of steam power plant by utilising thermal waste and installing bottoming binary cycle
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Disertasi Open