The SAGE handbook of social gerontology
edited by Chris Phillipson and Dale Dannefer
SAGE Publications, 2010
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Gerontology for the health care professional
Regula H. Robnett , Walter C. Chop, edited
Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2015
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Mooney, Ruth A.
Rapid nursing interventions : gerontology
Delmar Publishers, 1996
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Siti Setiati
Geriatric medicine, sarkopenia, farilty, dan kualitas hidup pasien usia lanjut: tantangn masa depan pendidikan, penelitian, dan pelayanan kedokteran Indonesia
Universitas Indonesia, 2013
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Koller, Marvin R
Social gerontology / Marvin R. Koller
Random House, 1968
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