Yunita Devianti
Pengaruh Intervensi Yoga Hatha Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Pasien ODHA Selama Pandemi di RSUP Fatmawati Tahun 2022 = The Effect of Hatha Yoga Intervention on Anxiety Levels in PLWHA Patients During a Pandemic at Fatmawati General Hospital in 2022
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership
Barbira-Freedman, Francoise
Step-by-step yoga for conception, pregnancy, birth and beyond : strengthening sequences for each stage of pregnancy and early motherhood, to help tone, align and relax your body, with more than 550 photographs
Lorenz Books, an imprint of Anness Publishing, 2014
Buku Teks
Claire, Thomas
Yoga for men : panduan lengkap untuk hidup sehat dan bebas stres
B-First, 2006
Buku Teks
Eliade, Mircea
Yoga ; immortality and freedom / MirceaEliade
Pantheon Books, 1954
Buku Teks
Zebroff, Kareen
Dasar-dasar yoga=The ABC yoga/ Kareen Zebroff; gubahan Stefanus
Sinar Kumala, 1979
Buku Teks