Reif, F. (Frederick), 1927-
Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics
McGraw-Hill, 1965
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Lokanathan, S.
Statistical and thermal physics : an introduction
Prentice-Hall of India, 1991
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Zemansky, Mark Waldo, 1900-
Heat and thermodynamics : an intermediate textbook for students of physics, chemistry, and engineering
McGraw-Hill, 1957
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Napitupulu, Richard A.M.
Modifikasi koefisien model thermal dalam proses canai panas baja karbon rendah: studi kasus mesin ONO-Roll tipe TFOG FORMK
 UI - Tesis Membership
Nash, K. Leonard
Elements of classical and statistical thermodynamics
Addison-Wesley, 1969
 Buku Teks