Kennedy, Richard
Australian welfare history critical essays / Richard Kennedy
Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc, 1982
Buku Teks
Mendelsohn, Ronald S.
Condition of the people social welfare in Australia, 1900-1975 / Ronald Mendelsohn
George Allen& Unwin , 1979
Buku Teks
The national income and social welfare / editor, Keith Hancock
F.W. Cheshire, 1967
Buku Teks
Community work or social change?: an Australia perspective / editor by Ros Thorpe & Jude Petruchenia
Hale & Ireminger, 1992
Buku Teks
Deakin, Nicholas
The politics of welfare : continuities and change
Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1994
Buku Teks