Disarmament topical papers 8: challenges to multilateral disarmament in the post-cold-war and post-gulf-war perriod
United Nations , 1991
Buku Teks
The cold and the dark: the world after nuclear war
by Paul R. Ehrlich [and others]
W.W. Norton, 1984
Buku Teks
Joshua, Wynfred
Nuclear politics America, France, and Britain
Sage, 1973
Buku Teks
Falk, Jim
Taking Australia off the map: facing the threat of nuclear war / Jim Falk
Penguin Books, 1983
Buku Teks
Strategi Amerika menggalang dukungan Internasional dalam upaya menghentikan program Nuklir Iran masa pemerintahan Presiden George Walker Bush = American's stategy to stoping Iran's: Nuclear Programs During George Walker Busb President
Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open