Carnegie, Dale, 1888-1955
How to win friends & influence people in the digital age
Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2019
 Buku Teks
Cole, Brent
How to win friends and influence people in the digital age
Simon & Schuster, 2011
 Buku Teks SO
Johnson, David W., 1940-
Reaching out: interpersonal effectiveness and self-actualization
Prentice Hall Internasional, 1990
 Buku Teks
Peck, M. Scott (Morgan Scott), 1936-2005
Xin ling di tu : zhui qiu ai he cheng zhang zhi lu = the road less traveled = 心靈地圖 : 追求愛和成長之路
Tian Xia Wen Hua, 1966
 Buku Teks
Peck, M. Scott (Morgan Scott), 1936-2005
The road less travelled : a new psychology of love, traditional values and spiritual growth
Rider, 2008
 Buku Teks