Haila, Anne
Urban land rent: Singapore as a property state
Wiley Blackwell, 2016
Buku Teks
Alonso, William
Location and land use: toward a general theory of land rent
Harvard University Press, 1965
Buku Teks
Buck, John Lossing, 1890-1975
Land utilization in China: a study of 16, 786 farms in 168 localities, and 38, 256 farm families in twenty-two provinces in China, 1929-1933
The Commercial Press, 1947
Buku Teks
I Made Hendrawan Dwi Saputra
Kewenangan Bertindak Orang Asing sebagai Pihak dalam Akta Perjanjian Mengulangsewakan Tanah Studi Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 2099 K/Pdt/2017 = Foreigner Competence to Act as Parties in The Deed Re-Rent Agreement The Land of The Case Study Decisions of The Supreme Court Number 2099 K/Pdt/2017.
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership
Hurun In Qurrotul Aini
Sistem sewa tanah di Karesidenan Cirebon 1811-1830 = The land rent system in Karesidenan Cirebon 1811-1830
UI - Skripsi Membership