Dimas Suryo Sukirno
Peran indonesia dalam pengelolaan perikanan tuna dari aspek hukum internasional = Indonesia's role in tuna fisheries management under the international legal framework / Dimas Suryo Sukirno
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership
Status pengelolaan tuna mata besar (Thunnus obesus, Lowe 1839) hasil tangkapan rawai tuna di pelabuhan Benoa, Bali = Management status of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus, Lowe 1839) which was landed at Benoa fisheries port, Bali / Sofiyanto
UI - Tesis Membership
Esti Budiyarti
Tinjauan hukum internasional terhadap pengelolaan dan konservasi jenis ikan beruaya jauh (Highly Migratory Species) : studi kasus pengelolaan dan konservasi Tuna di Indonesia = International law preview for conservation and management Highly Migratory Species : case study conservation and management Tuna in Indonesia / Esti Budiyarti
Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership
Soil conservation & management in the humid tropics
edited by D.J. Greenland and R. Lal
John Wiley & Sons, 1979
Buku Teks
Barlett, Cristopher A.
Transnational management: text, cases, and readings in cross - border management/ Christhoper A Bartlet
Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2004
Buku Teks