Blakiston's new Gould medical dictionary : a modern comprehensive dictionary of the terms used in all branches of medicine and allied sciences ...
editors: Normand L. Hoerr [and] Arthur Osol. with the cooperation of an editorial board and 88 contributors
Blakiston Division, McGraw-Hill, 1956
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Concise veterinary dictionary
[consultant editors, Christopher M. Brown, D.A. Hogg, D.F. Kelly]
Oxford University Press, 1988
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The dictionary of modern medicine: a sourcebook of currently used medical expressions, jargon and technical terms
edited and compiled by Joseph C. Segen
Editiones Roche, 1992
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Churchill's illustrated medical dictionary
Churchill Livingstone, 1989
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Attorney's illustrated medical dictionary
Ida G. Dox [and others]
West Pub., 1997
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