Miedema, Jelle, compiler
Irian Jaya source materials no. 15 series B. no. 7 : Texts from the oral tradition in the Southern Bird's head Peninsula of Irian Jaya : Inanwatan-Berau, Arandai-Bintuni, and Hinterland
 Buku Teks
Irian Jaya source materials no 10, series B. no. 4 : the J.C. Anceaux collection of wordlists of Irian Jaya : B: non-Austronesian (Papuan) language (part II)
edited by L. Smits, C.L. Voorhoeve
 Buku Teks
S. Budhisantoso, compiler
Masyarakat terasing Amungme di Irian Jaya
Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI, 1995
 Buku Teks
Irian Jaya: Membangun Masyarakat majemuk / Redaksi Koentjaraningrat
Djambatan, 1994
 Buku Teks
Miedema, Jelle, compiler
Irian Jaya source materials no. 14 : series B no. 6, texts from the oral tradition in the south-western bird's head Peninsula of Irian Jaya teminabuan and hinterland
 Buku Teks