Feng, Menglong, 1574-1646
Song Ming ping hua xuan / Feng Menglong, Ling Mengchu bian zhu ; Yang Xianyi, Dai Naidie Ying yi = Selected Chinese stories of the Song and Ming dynasties
Foreign Language Press, 2007
Buku Teks
Registration and other stories / by Contemporary Chinese writers.
Foreign Languages Press, 1954
Buku Teks
Dawn on the river, and other stories / by contemporary Chinese writers.
Foreign Languages Press, 1957
Buku Teks
Homeward journey and other stories / by Contemporary Chinese writers
Foreign Languages, 1957
Buku Teks
Kepustakaan klasik China: kisah-kisah pilihan dari dinasti song dan ming (buku kedua)
Elex media komputindo, 2011
Buku Teks