McKeane, Alasdair
Longman, 1994
Buku Teks
Farb, Peter
Man's rise to civitsation as show by the Indians of North Americ from primeval times to the coming of the industrial state / Peter farb
E.P Dutton, 1968
Buku Teks
Leo Ericton
Kebangkitan ultranasionalis Jerman pada masa kepemimpinan kanselir Angela Merkel (2005-2018) (studi atas skinhead Jerman dan kekerasan rasial terhadap imigran) = The rise of German ultranationalist during chancellor Angela Merkel's reign (2005-2018) (study of German skinhead and racial violence against immigrants) / Leo Ericton
UI - Tesis Membership
Treatment and disposal of liquid and solid industrial wastes : proceedings of the Third Turkish-German Environmental Engineering Symposium, Istanbul, July 1979 / edited by Kriton Curi.
Pergamon Press, 1980.
Buku Teks
Bellow's German dictionary German - English, English - German
London, London Longmans
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