Perolehan Hak Milik Berdasarkan Pasal 1963 KUHPerdata Dan Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria Terkait Benda Tak Bergerak (Tanah): Studi Kasus (Putusan PN Takalar Nomor 05/Pdt.G/2012/PN-TK, Putusan Banding Nomor 390/Pdt/2012/PT-MKS, Putusan Kasasi Nomor 1264/K/Pdt/2013) = The Royalty Based on Article 1963 Indonesian Civil Code and Principle Agrarian Law regarding Unmoveable Things (Land): Case Study (The Decision of Takalar District Court in the case number 05/PDT.G/2012/PNTK, The Decision of Makassar High Court in the case number 390/Pdt/2012/PT-MKS, The Decision of Supreme Court in the case number 1264/K/Pdt/2013)