Jasny, Naum
Soviet industrialization 1928-1952 / Naum Jasny
University of Chicago Press, 1961
Buku Teks
Nove, Alec, editor
Efficiency criteria for nationalised industries / by Alec Nove
George Allen and Unwin, 1973
Buku Teks
The professions in Australia : a critical appraisal / editor, Paul Boreham, Alec Pemberton, and Paul Wilson
University of Queensland Press, 1976
Buku Teks
Doing business in Japan: an insider's guide / general editor, Jane Withey
Prentice-Hall, 1994
Buku Teks
Gerakan perempuan di Amerika Latin : feminisme dan transisi menuju demokrasi = The women's movement in Latin America : feminism and the transition to democracy / Editor Jane S. Jaquette; penerjemeh: Wilson
Kalyanamitra, 2003
Buku Teks