The beauty of Korean food, with 100 best-loved recipes : the research and development project for the standardization of Korean cuisine
Hollym, 2007
Buku Teks
Chang, Sun-yong
A Korean mother's cooking notes
Ewha Womans University Press, 2006
Buku Teks
Chang, Sun-yong
A Korean mother's cooking notes
Ewha Womans University Press, 2009
Buku Teks
Kim, Kye
Kye Kim's modern Korean cooking = 케이 킴 의 모던 한국 요리. Kye Kim's modern Korean cooking = K'ei K'im ui modon Hanʼguk yori
Bookhouse, 2009
Buku Teks
Kim, Kye
Kye Kim's modern Korean cooking = Kei Kim ui modon Hanguk yori
Bookhouse, 2009
Buku Teks