Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784
Lives of the English poets vol. 1 / Samuel Johnson; Edited by George Birkbeck Hill.
G. Olms, 1968
 Buku Teks
Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784
Lives of the English poets vol. 2 / Samuel Johnson; Edited by George Birkbeck Hill.
Oxford University Press, 1968
 Buku Teks
Al-Kafrawi, Muhammad Abd al-Aziz
الشعر العربي بين الجمود والتطور = Al-Syi`r al-Arabi bayna al-Jumud wa al-Tatawwur
Maktabah Nahdah Misr, 1958
 Buku Teks
Bayham, Muhammad Jamil
فلسفة التاريخ العثماني اسباب انحطاط الامبراطورية العثماني وزوالها = Falsafat al-Tarikh al-'Uthman 'as-bab 'inhitat al-'umbraturiyyat al-'Uthmaniyyah wa zawaliha
[publisher not identified], 1954
 Buku Teks
Classical literary criticism: Aristotles: on the art of poetry, Horace: On the art of poetry; Longinus: On the sublime
edited by T.S. Dorsch
Penguin Books, 1965
 Buku Teks