Analisis faktor transfer pengetahuan untuk tingkat non manajemen pada industri alat berat dengan metode delphi-ahp-topsis = Factor analysis of knowledge transfer for non management level at heavy equipment industry by using delphi-method-ahp topsis
 UI - Tesis Membership
Abele, Eberhard
Learning factories: Concepts, guidelines, best-practice examples
Springer Cham, 2019
Radford, J.D.
The management of production
Macmillan, 1972
 Buku Teks
Hopp, Wallace J.
Factory physics: foundation of manufacturing management second edition
McGraw-Hill, 2000
 Buku Teks
Eilon, Samuel
Elements of production planning and control
Macmillan, 1962
 Buku Teks