Suri, Nareudraprabha
Alarikaramahadodhi Edited critically with an introd. in sanskrit indices and appendices by
Baroda Oriental Institute 1942
Buku Teks
Svapnavasavadattam a sanskrit drama in six acts attributed to Bhasa Critically edited with introd. ... by
Poona Oriental Book Agency 1946
Buku Teks
Isa upanisad [isopanisad] by and naskah terjemahan penjelasan oleh Upanishads, breath of eternal, the principal texts and translated from original Sanskrit
Lembaga Penterjemahan Kitab Suci Weda , 1977
Buku Teks
The Upanishad; breath of the eternal; the principal texts selected and translated from the original Sanskrit by Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester
New York : The New American Library, 1957
Buku Teks
Speijer, J.S.
Sanskrit syntax with an introduction by
Leyden Brill 1886
Buku Teks