One world only employment and development vocational training in an expanding society. an international forum under the auspices of the Fredrich Ebert Stiftung, Tokyo, November 15-20, 1971
Freddrich Ebert Stiftung , 1971
Buku Teks
Employment and economic growth / International Labour Office
International Labour Office, 1964
Buku Teks
Fishman, Betty G.
Employment, unemployment, and economic growth
Thomas Y. Crowell, 1969
Buku Teks
Accounting and auditing in one world : working documents / 11th International Congress of Accountants Munich, October 10-14, 1977
Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia, 1978
Buku Teks
Sherman, Howard J.
Macrodynamic economics : growth, employment and prices
Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1964
Buku Teks