Harbison, Robert
The built, the unbuilt, and the unbuildable : in pursuit of architectural meaning / Robert Harbison.
Thames and Hudson, 1991
Buku Teks
Zafira Rahmatul Ummah
Rumah Lontiok: Sebuah cerminan cara hidup dan keterikatan suku kampar dengan lingkungannya = Lontiok House: A reflection of kampar tribe's way of living and connectivity with their environment
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership
Out of site : a social criticism of architecture / edited by Diane Ghirardo
Bay Press, 1991
Buku Teks
The SAGE handbook of of architectural theory / edited by Greig Crysler, Stephen Cairns and Hilde Heynen.
SAGE, 2012
Buku Referensi
Norberg-Schultz, Christian
Meaning in Western architecture
Praeger, 1975
Buku Teks