Muhammad Fatchi Alfadjri
Dampak desain untuk Konservasi Nilai Material pada Kemasan Plastik Fleksibel terhadap Siklus Hidup Material Plastik = Impact of Design for Material Value Conservation on Flexible Plastic Packaging Towards The Life Cycle of Plastic Materials.
UI - Tesis Membership
Disque, Robert O.
Applied plastic design in steel
Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1971
Buku Teks
Brush, Don O.
Buckling of bars, plates, and shells
McGraw-Hill, 1975
Buku Teks
Horne, M.R.
Plastic design of low-rise frames
Granada, 1981
Buku Teks
Wong, M. Bill
Plastic analysis and design of steel structures
Elsevier , 2009
Buku Teks