Barghoorn, Frederick C.
The Soviet cultural offensive: the role of cultural diplomacy in Soviet foreign policy / by Frederick C. Barghoorn
Princeton University Press, 1960
 Buku Teks
Wesson, Robert G.
Foreign policy for a new age
Houghton mifflin, 1977
 Buku Teks
Wesson, Robert G.
Foreign policy for a new age
Houghton Miffiln, 1977
 Buku Teks
Hansen, Allen C
Usia:public diplomacy in the computer age / Allen C. Hansen
Praeger, 1984
 Buku Teks
African Diplomacy: studies in the determinants of foreign policy / edited by Vernon McKay
Frederick A. Praeger, Publisher, 1966
 Buku Teks