Kawabata, Yasunari
Snow country transl. with introd. by
Japan Charles E. Tuttle 1965
Buku Teks
Arabic-Andalussian Casidas / transl with an introd Harold Morland
Phoenix Press, 1949
Buku Teks
Flasha anthology Transl. from Ethiopic sources with an introd. by
Jale University Press, 1951
Buku Teks
Abhijnana-Sakuntala ed. with an exhaustive introd. transl. and critical and explanatory notes by and
Poona Oriental Book House 1951
Buku Teks
Siddantabindu with the commentary of Purushottma critically Ed. and transl. into English with introd., somparative notes by
Baroda Oriental Institute 1953
Buku Teks