Management by objectives in action / editor, John W. Humble
McGraw-Hill, 1970
Buku Teks
Black, Homer A
Accounting in business decisions: theory, method, and use / [by] Homer A. Black, John E. Champion [and] R. Gene Brown.
Prentice-Hall, 1967
Buku Teks
Child, John
British management thought : a critical analysis / John Child
George Allen and Unwin, 1969
Buku Teks
Carison, John G.H.
Introduction to gaming: management decision simulations/John G.H. Carison,
John Wiley & Sons, 1972
Buku Teks
John N. Rosyandi
Prinsip-prinsip cara memimpin perusahaan / John N. Rosyandi
Akademeika Pressindo, 1985
Buku Teks