Meilach, Dona Z
Creative carving: materials, techniques, appreciation / Dona Z. Meilach.
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Elin Hertiana
Penentuan indeks risiko kegoyangan gigi melalui analisis densitas tulang pada pra lansia dan lansia = The risk assessment index of tooth mobility through bone density analysis in pre elderly and elderly
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Tesis Membership
Reconstruction of alveolar bone defect with autogenous cortico-cancellous bone mixtured with allogeneic mineralized bone graft (case report)
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2004
 Artikel Jurnal
Bone grafting in oral implantology: techniques and clinical application
Quintessence Books, 2006
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Iliac crest and femoral bone marrow as the source of plastic-adherent cells
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