Malassis, Louis
The rural world education and development / by Louis Malassis
Croom Helm , 1976
Buku Teks
Malassis, Louis
The rural world : education and development / Louis Malassis.
Croom Helm, , 1976
Buku Teks
Selo Soemardjan
The dynamics of community development in rural Central and West Java a comparative report
Cornell University , 1963
Buku Teks
Malassis, Louis
Dunia pedesaan: Pendidikan dan perkembangan = The Rural world education and development
Gunung Agung, 1981
Buku Teks
Goodenough, Ward Hunt
Cooperation in change: an anthropological approach to community development
Russell Sage Foundation, 1963
Buku Teks