Lisansky, Judith
Migrants to Amazonia: spontaneous colonization in the Brazilian frontier / Judith Lisansky
Westview Press, 1990
 Buku Teks
France, portrait social : edition 2006
INSEE, 2006
 Buku Referensi
Ormsby, H.
France: a regional and economic geography
Methuen, 1956
 Buku Teks
Dorner, Peter
Land reform and economic development / Peter Dorner
Penguin books, 1972
 Buku Teks
Edi Dharma Setiawan
pengaruh konversi lahan pada kualitas hidup petani (studi kasus: petani padi sawah Kecamatan Teluk Jambe Kabupaten Karawang) = The influence of land conversion on the farmers quality of life (case study : farmers' paddy field Teluk Jambe Sub District-Karawang)
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1996
 UI - Tesis Membership