Raphaelson, Elliot
Planning your financial future tax shelters, annuities, iras, heoghs, stocks and other investment or retirement apportunities
John Wiley & Sons, 1982
 Buku Teks
Rabinowitz, Alan
Municipal bond finance and administration practical guide to the analysis of tax-exempt securities / by Alan Rabinowitz
John Wiley & Sons, 1969
 Buku Teks
Mancer, Clifford J.
Guide to New Zealand estate planning and tax/ Clifford J. Mancer
The Law Book Company Limited, 1994
 Buku Teks
International tax planning
edited by Dennis Campbell
Kluwer Law International, 1995
 Buku Teks
Potter, D.C. (Donald Charles)
Tax planning with precedents
Sweet & Maxwell, 1959
 Buku Teks