Fawcett, James T.
Psychology & population : behavioral research issues in fertility and family planning
Population Council, 1970
 Buku Teks
Chandrasekhar, S.
Infant mortality population growth and family planning in India
University of North Carolina Press, 1972
 Buku Teks
Family planning in rural West Java : the Serpong project
edited by Lida C. Zuidberg
Djambatan, 1978
 Buku Teks
Population dynamics and family planning: a new responsibility for social work education, proceeding of an international conference on social work education, population, and family planning
edited by Katherine A. Kendall
Council on Social Work Education, 1971
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Population dynamics: international action and training programs
edited by Minoru Muramatsu and Paul A. Harper
John Hopkins University Press, 1965
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