Road traffic accident prevention report of a seminar-cum-study tour Japan, 15-24 October 1986
United Nations, 1987
Buku Teks
Management and techniques of road maintenance : report of a seminar-cum-study tour Japan, 24 October-2 November 1984 volume 2 / United Nations
United Nations , 1984
Buku Teks
Management and techniques of road maintenance : report of a seminar-cum-study tour Japan, 24 October-2 November 1984 volume 1 / United Nations
United Nations , 1984
Buku Teks SO
Report of the seminar-cum-study tour on railway track maintenance, China 16-25 September 1986
by Economic and Socila Commission for Asia and the Pacific United Nations
United Nations, 1986
Buku Teks
Transactions of the international conference of orientalists in Japan No.XXV 1987
The Toho Gakkai, 1987
Buku Teks