The Brandeis reader : rhe life and contributions of Mr. Justice Louis D. Brandeis
edited by Ervin H. Pollack
Oceana Publications, 1958
 Buku Teks
Murphy, Walter F.
Congress and the court: a case study in the American political process
University of Chicago Press, 1962
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Wallerstein, Judith S.
The Unexpected legacy of divorce: a25 year landmark study
Hyperion, 2000
 Buku Teks
Lewis, Anthony
Peranan Mahkamah Agung di Amerika Serikat Suatu Case-Study Mengenai Perkembangan Hak Atas Bantuan Hukum = The Supreme court and how it works
Pradnya Paramita, 1973
 Buku Teks
Woodward, Bob
The Brethren : inside the supreme court
Simon and Schuster, 1979
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