Speech and language impairments in children: causes, characteristics, intervention and outcome
Dorothy V.M. Bishop, Laurence B. Leonard
Psychology Press , 2001
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Coleman, John R.
Introduction speech and language processing
Cambridge University Press, 2005
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The handbook of language and speech disorders
edited by Jack S. Damico, Nicole Muller and Martin J. Ball
Wiley-Blackwell, 2013
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Devito, Joseph A.
The psychology of speech and language: an introduction to psycholinguistics
Random House, 1970
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Maria Ima
Stimulasi Perkembangan Bicara dan Bahasa sebagai Intervensi Keperawatan pada Keluarga Toddler dengan Risiko Keterlambatan Perkembangan = Stimulation Speech and Language Development as a Toddler Family Nursing Intervention with Risk of Development Delay
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan, 2018
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