Stone, Richard
Text, Cases and Materials on Contract Law
Routledge, 2017
 Buku Teks
Wilson, J. F.
Principles of the law of contract
Sweet & Maxwell, 1957
 Buku Teks
Bonell, Michael
An International restatement of contract law
Transnational Juris Publications, 1994
 Buku Teks
Audi Ayundaputri
Analisis yuridis pengaturan insentif lapangan minyak marginal dan dampak ketiadaan klausula insentif investasi dalam production sharing contract di indonesia = Analysis on the legal impact of the absence of investment credit clause in production sharing contract in indonesian oil upstream industry
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Priska Faradina
Kontrak baku ditinjau dari ajaran penyalahgunaan keadaan (Misbruik Van Omstandigheden) sebagai bentuk cacat kehendak bebas dalam perkembangan hukum kontrak studi kasus: putusan MA Nomor 2519 K/PDT/2013 dan putusan MA Nomor 1987 K/PDT/2014 = Standard contract reviewed from abuse of circumstances Misbruik Van Omstandigheden) theory as a form of defective will in the development of contract law case study supreme court decicion number 2519/K/PDT/2013 and supreme court decicion number 1987
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
 UI - Skripsi Membership