Malott, Deane W.
The Agricultural industries
McGraw-Hill, 1939
 Buku Teks
Agriculture in the Australian economy
edited by D.B. Williams with contributions by K.O. Campbell ... [and others]
Sidney University Press, 1970
 Buku Teks
Metcalf, John E.
The agricultural economy of Indonesia
U.S. Department of Agriculture , 1952
 Buku Teks
Zagoroff, S.D.
The Agricultural economy of the Danubian countries 1935-45 / by S.D. Zagoroff, Jeno Vegh and Alexander D. Bilimovich
Stanford University Press , 1955
 Buku Teks
Afgan Fadilla
Strategi diplomasi dalam mendorong hak asasi petani dan masyarakat yang bekerja di pedesaan menjadi sebuah Deklarasi PBB di Dewan HAM PBB = Diplomatic strategy in encouraging the rights of peasant and other people working in rural areas to become United Nations Declaration at United Nations Human Rights Council
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