Pharmacological treatment in organ and tissue transplantation, proceeding of an international symposium, Milan 28th February-1st March, 1969
edited by A. Bertelli and A.P. Monaco
Exceprpta Medica Foundation, 1970
Buku Teks
Rieka Widihasputri
Uji penghambatan aktivitas a glukosidase ekstrak dan fraksi daun antidesma neurocarpum miq serta identifikasi golongan senyawa kimia dari fraksi teraktif = Test of the inhibitory activity of a glukosidase for extracts and fraction of antidesma neurocarpum miq leaves and identify class of chemical compounds from the most active fraction
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership
Nuriza Ulul Azmi
Uji penghambatan aktivitas tirosinase dan identifikasi golongan senyawa kimia ekstrak dan fraksi teraktif daun johar cassia siamea lamk = Tyrosinase inhibition activity assay and identification of chemical compounds in the most active extract and fraction from johar cassia siamea lamk leaves
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership
Reiss, Barry S.
Pharmacological aspects of nursing care
Delmar, 1984
Buku Teks
Goodman, Louis S.
Goodman & Gilman's the pharmacological basis of therapeutics.
McGraw-Hill, 2011