Fachri Agung
Kinetika pertumbuhan kristal barium heksaferit di substitusi Mn-Ti melalui proses pemaduan mekanik = Crystal growth kinetics of barium hexaferrite substituted by Mn-Ti derived from mechanical alloying process
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
 UI - Tesis Membership
Rifayanti Masitoh
Struktur kristal dan sifat termal sistem sn xbi yal x1 0 x2 10 x3 30 x4 52 x5 70 y 0 dan x 52 y1 0 05 y2 0 11 y3 0 14 y4 0 19 y1 0 25 = Structure crystal and properties of thermal sn xbi yal systems x1 0 x2 10 x3 30 x4 52 x5 70 y 0 and x 52 y1 0 05 y2 0 11 y3 0 14 y4 0 19 y1 0 25
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
 UI - Tesis Membership
Kajian blending antara monomer kristal cair kolesteril akrilat dengan monomer kristal cair metilfenilbenzoil akrilat dan fotopolimerisasinya serta uji serapannya dengan spektrofotometer UV-Vis = Study of blending between liquid crystal monomer of cholesteryl acrylate with liquid crystal monomer of methylphenylbenzoyl acrylate and its photopolymerization and test of absorption by uv vis spectrophotometer
Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Disertasi Membership
Fadlinatin Naumi
Studi pengaruh eksposure faset (001) nanopartikel tio2 anatase pada nanokomposit bivo4/tio2 sebagai fotoanoda dalam aplikasi photocatalytic fuel cell (pfc) = The influence of (001) crystal facet exposure study of anatase tio2 nanoparticle on tio2/bivo4 nanocomposite as photoanode on photocatalytic fuel cell (pfc) application
 UI - Tesis Membership
Swollen liquid crystal elastomers as artificial muscles
 Artikel Jurnal