Tolhas Parulian Jonathan
Penyesuaian Front-End Dan Back-End Untuk Autentikasi Dan Otorisasi Berbasis Software Product Line Engineering = Front-End And Back-End Modification For Authentication And Authorization Based On Software Product Line Engineering
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Alsabila Shakina Prasetyo
Penerapan Pembelajaran Progresif dengan Software Product Line Engineering Terkait Tingkat Kematangan Pengguna Studi Kasus Adaptive Information System for Charity Organization = Progressive Learning Application with Software Product Line Engineering Regarding User Maturity Level Case Study Adaptive Information System for Charity Organization
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia , 2020
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Faizah Afifah
Penyusunan Iterative SPLRE sebagai Panduan Implementasi untuk Pengumpulan Kebutuhan Perangkat Lunak dengan Pendekatan Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) : Studi Kasus Sistem Internal Supply Chain Management = Designing Iterative SPLRE as an Implementation Guide for Software Requirement Gathering Processes Using Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) Approach : Case Study of Internal Supply Chain Management System
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2020
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Claudio Yosafat
Docker deployment untuk software product line engineering = Docker deployment on software product line engineering
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2020
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Ryan Naufal Pioscha
React redux untuk frontend generator berbasis software product line engineering = React redux for frontend generator based on software product line engineering
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia , 2020
 UI - Skripsi Membership