Arif Rahman
Creator. INC : Animator, writer, designer, photographer, content creator, developer, planner, marketer
Bentang, 2017
Buku Teks
Evans, James Robert, 1950-
Berfikir kreatif : dalam pengambilan keputusan dan manajemen = Creative thinking : in the decision and management sciences
Bumi Aksara, 1994
Buku Teks
Evans, James Robert, 1950-
Creative thinking in the accesion and management sciences
South-Western, 1991
Buku Teks
Grunig, Rudolf
Developing international strategies: going and being international for medium-sized companies
[Springer, Springer], 2012
Singh, N.K.
Mantras for managers: the dialogue with yeti
[Springer, ], 2012