Muhammad Alfinuha Nabil
Pengaruh komposisi umpan co-pyrolysis bonggol jagung plastik polipropilena terhadap interaksi partikel biomassa dengan plastik dalam kaitan dengan efek sinergetik = Effect of co-pyrolysis feed composition of corncobs polypropylene plastic on the interaction between biomass particles and plastics in relation to synergistic effect
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Johannes Chandra
Pengaruh pemekaian cacahan limbah gelas plastik polypropylene (pp) pada kuat tarik dan kuat lentur material beton = The effect of usage of crushed polypropylene plastic waste in tensile and flexural strength of concrete material
 UI - Skripsi Open
Sidauruk, Juan Octavian Daniel
Pengaruh suhu dan waktu pirolisis plastik polipropilena terhadap yield dan kualitas carbon nanotube dengan metode flame synthesis = The effect of pyrolysis temperature and time of polypropylene plastic on the yield and quality of carbon nanotube with glame synthesis method
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Wakhid Laymina Ikhsan
Penghematan penggunaan biji plastik polipropilena murni melalui daur ulang mekanikal berbasis desain untuk konservasi nilai material = Saving pure polypropylene through mechanical recycling for material value conservation / Wakhid Laymina Ikhsan
 UI - Tesis Membership
Bunda Amalia
Preparasi dan karakterisasi plastik film berbahan dasar kitosan dan nanoselulosa dari serat daun nanas = Preparation and caracterization of film plastic based on chitosan and nanocellulose isolated from pineapple leaf fibers
Universitas Indonesia, 2017
 UI - Tesis Membership