The bible and literature of imagination a response to bishop John Shelby Spong's sins of scripture
Artikel Jurnal
Hasbullah Kasim Bakry
Jesus Christ in the Quran and Muhammad the prophet in the Bible
Widjaya, 1970
Buku Teks SO
Itivuttaka: kitab suci agama Budha=the Itivuttaka: the Buddha's saying / editor, Bhikkhu Jotidhammo; transled by John D. Ireland
Lembaga Anggraini Indonesia, 1998
Buku Teks
Molen, Willem van der
Literature as a source for history the case of the repen ripangi (1886)
Faculty of Humanities University of Indonesia, 2008
Artikel Jurnal
Mill, John Stuart
Three essays on religion/by John Stuart Mill
Greenwood Press, 1969
Buku Teks