Proceedings of the fifth workshop on algorithm engineering and experiments
edited by Richard E. Ladner
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2003
Approaches to Asian civilizations [Proceedings]
Edited by Wm. Theodore de Bary and Ainslie T. Embree
Columbia University Press, 1964
 Buku Teks
Secondary ion mass spectrometry: proceedings of the fifth International Conference: with 388 figures
editor, A. Benninghoven...[et al.]
Springer-Verlag, 1986
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Physico-chemical diagnostics of plasmas: proceedings of the fifth biennial gas dynamics symposium
editor: Thomas P. Anderson, Robert W. Springer, Richard C. Warder, Jr.
Northwestern University, 1963
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Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering: Proceedings of the Fifth ICICSE 2017
Springer Singapore, 2019