Goosmann-Legger, Astrid I.
Acupressure therapy : zone therapy using foot massage
Lotus Book, 1994
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Oxenford, Rosalind
Reflexology: For Health and Well-Being
Annest publishing, 2000
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Rachellya Volvo
Asuhan keperawatan pada lansia risiko ketidakefektifan perfusi jaringan perifer dengan tindakan refleksologi kaki = Nursing care plan in elderly risk of peripheral tissue perfusion effectiveness by foot reflexology
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Napsan Junaidi
Analisis praktek residensi keperawatan medikal bedah pada pasien dengan gangguan sistem perkemihan di RSPAD Gatot Subroto dan RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta = The Nursing practice analysis on patients with urinary system disorders in Gatot Subroto Army Hospital and Cipto Mangun Kusumo National hospital Jakarta.
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Bushell, Stephen W.
Chinese art
Wyman and Sons, 1906
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