Researchers national laboratories in Japan 1993
Research Development Corporation of Japan (JRDC)
Research Development Corporation of Japan (JRDC), 1993
 Buku Referensi
Directory of selected scholars and researchers in Southeast Asia / Amnuay Tapingkae, project director.
Regional Institute of Higher Education and Development, 1974
 Buku Teks SO
Directory of Asian historical studies in Japan 1992
Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, 1992
 Buku Referensi
University and its students: international symposium of students and professors: Prague, Czech Republic September 12-19, 2001
edited by Severin Daum
Charles University, 2003
 Buku Teks
Identifying university Professors' information needs in the challenging environment of information and communication technologies Maria Anna Jankowska
 Artikel Jurnal